Wednesday, June 29, 2011

prince william wedding

prince william wedding. Prince William and Kate could
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  • McGiord
    Mar 31, 10:57 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    All the traditional phone manufacturers were used to release a new hardware every year and get the carriers financing the hardware coat over the 2 year contract, even allowing the loyal customers a free or small fee upgrade when the right one comes for them. So google fragmented model might be in sync with the traditional way of delivering new ozone hardware/with updated software for the typical mobile phone user.

    Having more control for the benefit of the end user is a must for any of these players. Apple model has been highly successful, as well as google's model. How they will continue, is just a matter of time.

    prince william wedding. prince william wedding date.
  • prince william wedding date.

  • Laird Knox
    Apr 25, 04:38 PM
    it looks like a different world from today,
    but really it's less than 70 years ago that we had the NAZI regime here in germany. it's less than 25 years ago that we had an repressive surveillance society in east germany. if there is no apparent good in tracking personal data, one should object to it.
    Score one for Godwin! ;)

    prince william wedding. prince william wedding
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  • alec
    Sep 19, 10:54 AM
    lol lol power book g5 rofl rofl OMG hahahahhahahahahahahahha



    for the love of god kill me

    prince william wedding. Prince William Wedding to Kate
  • Prince William Wedding to Kate

  • GekkePrutser
    Apr 6, 12:52 PM
    A hard drive uses less than 2 Watts while reading or writing. Flash uses the same or more when it is used; it only has an advantage when it is not used, where the hard disk drive has to spend energy to keep the drive spinning (less than 1 Watt).

    But that's when modern SSD's do a lot of their housekeeping, stuff like garbage collection. So as SSD's get faster and more advanced you might see the idle power drain get higher.

    prince william wedding. Prince William Wedding
  • Prince William Wedding

  • DeBeere
    Nov 28, 06:26 PM
    And I don't understand why they should...Can somebody explain it?

    prince william wedding. prince william wedding date.
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  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 12:49 AM
    Still, it's ridiculous that Apple's Top-Of-The-Line machines don't come STANDARD with 1 gig of ram. I can guarantee they will when they come out next month.

    Oh, I agree - I should hope this is the case. In this day and age, 1 GB should be table stakes, especially when you're dealing with Pro machines - I would bet that most PowerMac owners upgrade to at least 2 GB of RAM standard as it is. Throw on top of that the fact that Leopard is coming out in (presumably) 6 months, give or take, and I'm sure that 1 GB will be required to run that with any degree of smoothness as well.

    Here's hoping you're right. I think including 512 MB of RAM standard would be a bit of a slap in the face if Apple is releasing these supposedly "advanced" machines. What kind of advanced PowerMac has only 512 MB of RAM standard? ;) :cool:

    prince william wedding. prince william wedding
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  • Glideslope
    Apr 25, 03:53 PM
    Except it doesn't use GPS data. It uses cell towers and wifi.

    Ouch!!!!! :apple:

    prince william wedding. prince william wedding date
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  • ChazUK
    Apr 6, 01:34 PM
    As someone who likes his Apple products, part of me laughs seeing numbers like this for the Xoom, but the other part thinks the same thing you post above--that Apple needs to have a successful competitor in the space to keep Apple's progress from stagnating. More competition will make them take bigger steps more quickly.

    Apple are kicking arse without the competition. Do they need it at this point?

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  • prince william wedding ring.

  • tyroja00
    Sep 19, 12:48 AM
    Is that irony?

    I'm also a student, and I don't think I could wait any longer than a month for these long-overdue MacBook Pros to ship... so a possible late November arrival is worrying to say the least.

    I'll tell you what irony is...spending all your time making commercials that tout your products cutting edge over the lame PC's while steadily showing how truly behind you really are.

    Try concentrating on the products instead of the gimmicks...

    As for me, they have 2 more weeks of my patience before I revert back to my PC days. I'm tired of getting made fun of by my PC Geek friends while I play on my outdated G4 PB.

    I'm beginning to believe my friends when they say that Apple pats their own backs for crap that PC makers created a year ago.

    prince william wedding. wedding of prince william.
  • wedding of prince william.

  • qtx43
    Mar 31, 05:11 PM
    That was a hoot changing the search to Bing. Only thing gutsier would be to somehow replace every admob ad to a competitor.

    I wouldn't leave Google completely blameless here. They knew who they were dealing with. They need eyeballs to sell (ad business) so they made their bed. Same reason why the software marketplace on android sucks, they designed it for their bottom line (eyeballs). They aren't making a product for people to use, they're making a channel to deliver a product (eyeballs) to their customers (advertisers).Except Google makes a big deal about how they support open source and aren't evil (presumably other profit seeking corporations are evil). And the open source fanatics lap it up. Take a look over at Groklaw, for example, and it's all a big conspiracy to discredit Google. So, I would change "[not] completely blameless" to "is completely hypocritical", then you'd be right on. I think Free and Open Source is great for many things, and proprietary works too, just don't blow smoke up my butt and tell me it's a rim job.

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  • prince william wedding card.

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:04 AM
    I'm glad they're fixing this "bug"

    But their response is utter crap. They know it - and now everyone knows it.

    As reports came out over a year ago about this - it's only after this tremendous bad press that they "found" it. Mhhhmmmm sure.

    prince william wedding. prince william wedding date.
  • prince william wedding date.

  • camelsnot
    Apr 8, 03:59 AM
    You know that no one thinks that way right? I never understood all of these "fanboy" posts saying things that these mysterious "fanyboys" that I've never seen supposedly say.

    You must not frequent Apple forums. There are quite a few people who think Apple can do no wrong and twist their own morals and thoughts to justify things that Apple does in these forums. They think they are Apple's personal crusaders. It's sad really, that some people can't think for themselves and they're so blinded by a tech company who could give two craps about them at the end of the day. While Apple does some good things for customers, it's not because they care. It's because they know by doing that, these customers will return. It's simple business, and $teve Job$ is a business and marketing god.

    Good on Apple for keeping people so mentally invested in their company. It's a testament to the power of perception and lack of mental clarity from some of its consumers.

    Charge on, Apple. :apple:

    prince william wedding. prince william wedding card.
  • prince william wedding card.

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 02:40 PM
    Boy. Why do we go back and forth like this arguing between fanboys and non. It's pointless. Nobody cares about your or my opinion, and you're not convincing anyone who disagrees with you as people NEVER change their opinions about anything ever.

    I'm not why I do it either, but never again.

    Talking to me?

    I am not trying to convince; simply stating opinions by providing facts. Problem?

    prince william wedding. Prince William#39;s wedding
  • Prince William#39;s wedding

  • wonderspark
    Apr 5, 05:20 PM
    Nobody's using Blu-Ray, in my experience. It's just another way of sucking money out of home consumers. Everything's done online in terms of delivery...

    I respectfully disagree. Most of the film festivals we submitted our movie to prefer Blu-ray. That way they get the same quality for previewing as they do for projection, should they accept it. We haven't even had to make an HDCAM copy yet.

    prince william wedding. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • RedTomato
    Aug 11, 12:28 PM
    My bets are that it will be either with Nokia or with HTC.

    Nokia make the best phone interfaces in the world, which is a very Apple-like thing to do. They're also very experienced at phone hardware desigh and integrating it smoothly with the interface.

    HTC are a taiwan company that design and make the best phone hardware in the world, and then sell them to companies like O2, T-Mobile etc to put their brand on. Most HTC-built phones run Windows Mobile, which Apple may be interested in replaceing with OSX Mobile...

    I can quite easily see Apple commisisoning HTC to make a Apple phone, these people are simply the best at hardware phone design and manufacture.

    Someone suggested Blackberry, but Blackberry is more geared to corporate use - not a very Apple-like sector - and also are quite heavily dependent on having access to a Windows server to get the most out of your phone.

    Overall, I feel it will be HTC and OSX Mobile...

    prince william wedding. Prince William Wedding Ring
  • Prince William Wedding Ring

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Aug 6, 02:21 PM
    I think that the option disappeared when the wireless Mighty Mouse came out.

    You're correct - Apple may be working out bundle pricing, but I think they would've worked that it before hand - to be honest, I think one of the following possibilities is likely:

    1. They no longer offer the bundle, instead profiting off of users that want wireless by making them purchase the wireless MM and keyboard seperately (sad, I know, but possible....)

    2. They offer the wireless configuration standard with any new iMac.

    prince william wedding. prince william and kate
  • prince william and kate

  • (L)
    Sep 19, 02:42 AM
    If all MBPs came with a gig of RAM standard, DL DVD drives, and a better graphics card (and Merom CPU), I would be thrilled.

    Look, I don't mean to pick on anybody, and I'm sure this is valid and relevant, but just about anybody would love to see things get generally better. Like, I wish the MacBooks were as fast as the Mac Pros and weigh in at 1 lb. Realistically, while I do agree that MBP's would make sense with 1gb ram standard, I'm not so sure about the other updates. As for updating the CPU, Apple does well to keep up on the technology so long as they can afford to, even if it is the operating system that draws most new users, and I do think they will update it soon, at least for MBPs. But, this is to stay competitive and to offer a pro model that can really be used as a pro model - not to thrill consumers with just how much they can upgrade the machines.

    prince william wedding. prince william wedding date
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  • SWC
    Aug 7, 06:42 PM
    1) When I did a system restore at work, it restored everything back on the date. I lost all my work since the date.

    You did something wrong then, System restore only rolls back the OS/install programs it doesn't touch user created data files.

    prince william wedding. Prince William Pictures Royal
  • Prince William Pictures Royal

  • MrCrowbar
    Aug 27, 01:17 PM
    That is interesting because I ordered a Macbook on Tuesday (the 22nd) and mine is also scheduled to ship on the 31st. It is suspiciously strange and hopefully it means that we'll get Meroms because I was waiting for the Merom MBP when I decided to just order a Yonah MB.

    Nice. I have to get my Macbook repaired* but I guess I can wait a few days just in case they want to give me a new one :) .

    * I have a loose contact on the screen backlight and sometimes the power just goes off for no reason, even half a secind after powering the thing on... any one with similar problems out there?

    Jun 9, 11:41 PM
    You mean Wal-Mart or something else? I've never heard of Wally World. Is that a chain back east? :confused:

    Walmart, lol

    Jul 15, 01:43 AM
    Maybe along the line of the g4 quicksilver (without the handles)

    a nice short compact apple tower with more expansion than the mini and with a conroe for....


    Now you'd be talkin' :)

    let people switch out their monitors, etc and give them a nice tower - not the stupid mini :) - i say (stupid mini) only because i wish it was a smallish tower with expansion capabilities :)

    Sep 13, 03:58 PM
    The MP is so overkill for my needs right now, I wonder if I'd even notice the difference. I think I'll wait for 32 cores before I update!

    In my experience, single to dual is a huge step up because the interactive response feels much snappier (esp on Windows, but that's not terribly relevant).

    After that it gets less noticable -- but then, most long-term CPU bound work isn't interactive anyway, games aside :)

    Apr 6, 11:09 AM
    Umm... You do realise clock speed is not everything don't you?
    I hope you don't think a C2D is better then a SB Core i5


    Clock for clock the Arrandales are faster than C2D and Sandy Bridge is clock for clock faster than the Arrandales.

    So a 1.4 Sandy Bridge will be quite a bit faster than than a 1.4 C2D within the same power envelope.

    Apr 6, 02:20 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)


    You keep talking about the MBA being "crippled" - how so? What can't it do other than play optical media? Why can't you do "real work" on it?

    As for the graphics, I'm under no illusion that it can play games like a mbp let alone gaming PC. And I don't need that. But the current MBA can play some modern games (SC II for example) at decent settings and frames. I wouldnt want to lose the ability to do casual gaming by going to the intel integrated.

    A 13" MacBook Pro has a hard drive that can be easily replaced and upgraded (even with an SSD if you so fancy), RAM that can be easily replaced and upgraded, a standard-voltage (read: more powerful) CPU, and yes (love it or hate it) an optical drive, along with a FireWire 800 port, an Ethernet Port, an IR sensor (which granted, isn't the most useful feature out there) and battery life to spare even given the faster speed. And yes, even with a Sandy Bridge MacBook Air, the benefits that a Sandy Bridge 13" MacBook Pro have over it, especially for the price, make it a much better machine. You are grossly limited with a MacBook Air by comparison.

    I don't mean to say that with a 27" iMac at home, one couldn't be happily mobile with a 13" MacBook Air if they so desired, I just don't think it has enough going for it to make it worthy of being stand-alone to anyone who isn't either (a) bat-**** crazy about about the MacBook Air or (b) very simple in their computing needs.

    I didn't go through all the pages of replies, but in case some one hasn't corrected them yet, the bus speed of the 13" is 1066mhz.

    Already covered, but kudos regardless.

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